MIVIDA Project.


Landscape rectification renovation and maintenance

Mivida is a mixed-use urban district located in New Cairo at the eastern edge of the capital where the Egyptian government is extending the urban fabric from the Nile Valley to the dessert areas.



Emaar Misr for Development

New Cairo, Egypt


“Different places in the city (about 300,000 sq. meter)”, A group of P.Os for Different places in the city, “Different places in the city (about 270,000 sq. meter)”, Boulevard – Parcel # 36, 37, 38, 39,, 40 and 41, Parcel # 24, Parcel # 21, Parcel # 25 & 27, Parcel 21 Private Gardens, Water Tank, “Different places in the city (about 220,000 sq. meter)”, “Different places in the city (about 170,000 sq. meter)”, Parcel #3,4 & Milestone 1 & 2, Gate #3

Work Description.

Sub-Contractor for landscape Construction, Landscape Maintenance Service, Rectification works for all the landscape works


Completed 85%

Map View.

When professional work place a good view for professional place, you can see final works with us.

Alrua’a Landscaping, Cairo Festival City (CFC) is a 3 million m2 premier, mixed-use development that brings together retail, dining, entertainment, hotels, luxury villas, apartment buildings, offices, schools and an automotive park in one self-contained city.

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